☑Each color 120L$(All 12color)
☑Dark 6 color FAT / Light 6 color FAT (Each 360L$)
☑included resize hair
☑inculuded hairbase
Please try DEMO :)
Dura main shop
=Opium's Inked Show=

Dura participates in Opium's Inked Show late this week.
Opium provides amazingly creative fashion. and they are high quality professional models in this Agency.
I look forward to Inked Show!!
Sept 23rd @ 4P SLT - Sept 24th 8 a.m in Japan time
and 24th @ Noon (12P) SLT. - Sept 25th 4 a.m. in Japan time.
Please come to watch Show <3<3
Opium's Inked Show