
Unisex hair *Dura-Boys&Girls45* Release!

Unisex hair *Dura-Boys&Girls45* Release!

↑Product poster of shop

↑Hair image of men
Necklace:Kari - Je t'aime Robot Necklace (M)
Clothes:[Sheep Door] Tongue tank (Mesh) Checker male

↑Hair image of women
Clothes: =Zenith=(Black)Dolly Dress
Pierce :((Crystal line))"Jewell" Pierce
Necklace:((Crystal line))"Jewell" Necklace

☑Each color 120L$(All 14color)
☑Dark 7 color FAT / Light 7 color FAT (Each 360L$)
☑included resize hair
☑included hairbase(no modify)

Please Try DEMO :)
Dura main shop